Express Oil Change and Tire Service

Auto Repair
3015 53rd Ave E Bradenton, FL 34203
Oil-Change, Tire-Service-Tire-Sales, Auto-AC-Repairs, Brakes

Not just oil changes and tire repairs. Can repair auto A/C as well as other auto repairs.

At our Bradenton, FL - Lockwood location — and at all our 343 locations across the country — we’re here to make taking care of your car fast, easy and affordable. And that goes way beyond changing your oil. Thing is, we’re here to help you with all your auto repair and maintenance needs.

Worried about a strange noise? Come let us hear it. A/C running hot? We can get you cooled. All you have to do is stop in and talk to one of our friendly, knowledgeable and helpful technicians.

Because in addition to providing the highest-quality services for your car, being your on-demand car care partner is what we do best. So, remember, any time you need assistance with your vehicle — whether it’s an oil change, brake service or just a quick question — our team in Bradenton is here for you.

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